S A F Z O N . .

Securing Valuables

Safzon Group Scurity Company protects valuable assets such as Money, Gold, Diamonds, and Valuable documents.

We use our security devices and other sophisticated machines to protect items of our clients. Due to our protective intelligent, we protect individuals and many companies assets and beyond, Banks records, Online verification systems etc.

Safzon Group Security is an innovative service is effective logistics solution for the secure and deliver small and large cargo is useful for companies - Securing and bringing you closer to your valuables assets.
Lawrence Obandi - CEO
Office Locations
Nairobi, Kenya(HQ) Dodoma, Tanzania Kampala, Uganda
Help Lines
+254 777 986 572 +254 20 2002043
Direct Mail
info@safzongroupsecurity.org ceo@safzongroupsecurity.org
We are Open
Mon - Fri (8AM - 5PM) Sat (9AM - 4PM)